engaging projects and programsDo your parish projects and programs tend to "fizzle out" or never get off the ground? Do church programs, including festivals and parish ministries, feel overly constraining and bureaucratic? Or loose and chaotic? Are your projects and programs well-conceived, engaging leaders and team members with diverse gifts? Are ministry leaders trusted and provided with funds, training, support, and the resources they need to bring the concept to life?
Use parish resources - people, time, energy, and funds - for the most vital ministries in service to God and neighbor. Define the lead measures of your parish goals that will help keep you on track with a compelling, but Biblically critical "scoreboard" for your parish team. And create a cadence of accountability as you work as a unified body of Christ. |
Equip your Parish Leadership to:
- Commit to the few most important projects and programs that fuel the parish. Intentionally stop those that no longer contribute to the life of the community.
- Apply the disciplines of execution with a compelling, but scripturally critical "scoreboard" to drive engagement and commitment as your parish functions as the body of Christ
- Your Parish Leadership will receive . . . READ MORE
Recommended Reading
Useful Resources
Lead as a Doulos of Christ
Contact us if you are interested in utilizing professional coaching for your team of leaders. We are committed to serving the body of Christ with you!
Contact us if you are interested in utilizing professional coaching for your team of leaders. We are committed to serving the body of Christ with you!