Cultivating Vision and Change
In the Orthodox Church, our ultimate vision is not something we get to make up on our own. It is the Gospel itself. Defined in Scripture and manifested over, and over again in the lives of the saints through the ages. The duty of Orthodox parishes is to bring the Gospel in word and deed to those God has put before us to serve - in our neighborhoods, in the lives of those who come to our doorstep in need, and in the daily lives of every member of our church community. The unique mission of parish stems from clearly understanding the context in which we serve, and the gifts and resources God has provided for us to offer. Fulfilling that mission depends on the capacity of the Parish Leadership Team to lead the community in awareness and obedience to the Gospel’s command. |
Equip your Parish Leadership to:
- Create a clear vision and mission for your parish utilizing best-practice leadership tools rooted in Orthodox servant leadership principles and disciplines.
- Implement your vision and mission based upon John Kotter’s proven change management methodology.
- Your Parish Leadership will receive . . . READ MORE
Recommended Reading
Interview Questions
Workshop participants should ask themselves and members of the parish these questions:
Useful Resources
"A lot of parish leaders get caught up in 'administrative' goals. However, in exploring servant leadership we can now focus on 'being church' as we're called to be: a community focused on loving God and looking after the 'least of these' with love. Thank you!"
- Fr. Dustin Lyon, St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Lead as a Doulos of Christ
Contact us if you are interested in utilizing professional coaching for your team of leaders. We are committed to serving the body of Christ with you!
Contact us if you are interested in utilizing professional coaching for your team of leaders. We are committed to serving the body of Christ with you!