Why invest in your clergy and ministry leaders?
We all know how important it is to invest in the people of our organizations. We do this willingly in our secular work and corporations because we easily see the return on that investment. The benefits of training and developing people include increased engagement, reduced turn-over, improved performance, consistency, and innovation. United States-based organizations allocate an average of 11% of their budget on employee training and development (Freifeld, 2018). The Employers Resource Council (ERC) recommends 1-3% of the total salary budget should be allocated for training and development. Churches are beginning to take training seriously for board members and volunteers to foster engagement and effectiveness in equipping the body of Christ.
"As Christians, we are called to 'baptize all nations,' but, to do this, we need to have healthy parishes with competent leaders. This is why I've found it's essential for parishes to invest in continuing education and leadership development, for both its clergy and lay leaders. Budgeting these needs isn't inward looking; rather it's an effective way to cultivate leaders for parish ministries so that your parish can continue to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ in your community." -Fr. Dustin Lyon, St. George Orthodox Church, DeKalb, IL